
The FireText SMS API Gateway lets you integrate SMS messaging in to your web-based application quickly and easily. We have provided a Software Development Kit (SDK) and examples in PHP so you can start integrating instantly.

If you need any assistance, please feel free to get in touch:

Note about TLS v1

On November 30th 2016, FireText retired support for TLS v1 and v1.1. Connecting via this method is widely known to be less secure. We've written a small update on this here. We've also created some handy tools for you to test too here.

Note about XML and JSON

The FireText API delivers responses in XML and JSON format too. To initiate response data in either format, simply add /xml or /json to any request URL.

Note about API Keys

The FireText API can be authorised using either the username / password combination or an apiKey. To generate an apiKey for your account, simply head to 'Settings > API' you can view or generate a new key here.

Using Zapier

You can connect FireText to over 400 of your favourite apps with Zapier, all without any coding! Integrations with FireText include Salesforce, Shopify, Wufoo & Magento to name a few!

Sending SMS

Send A Message

In order to send a message using the gateway, you will need to send a request to:

The following are a list of parameters to be sent via HTTP POST or GET:

Name Description
username Your username
password Your password
An apiKey can be used as an alternative authentication method to the username and password and is often the preferred choice.
message The text message body in utf-8. This can be up to 612 characters in length. For GSM, a single message is 160 characters, longer messages are 153 each (2=306,3=459,4=612). Unicode is 70 characters or 66 per part for longer messages.
from The "Sender ID" that is displayed when the message arrives on handset. This can be your company name or reply number. This field can only be alpha numeric. [A-Z], [a-z], [0-9], Min 3 chars, max 11 chars.
to Comma separated list of up to 50 mobile numbers. Remove the ‘+’ sign and any leading zeros when using international codes. A UK number can start ‘07’ or ‘447’.
The scheduled message date/time in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM (e.g. 2015-05-20 17:00). Scheduled messages can be viewed and deleted online at
For repeat messages: Specifies when the repeat message should expire. Format YYYY-MM-DD (e.g. 2016-05-20)
For repeat messages: Specifies the repeat interval between messages in days.
If set, you can record a custom ID against the the message batch, which will be passed back in the delivery receipt.
This allows you to easily send a message to a pre-defined group within your account. Simply include the API ID specified for the group. Any duplicates or opt-outs will be ignored.
Alternate receipt URL. Instead of using the receipt URL as set within your account, receipts will be sent to this URL.
This allows you to choose a pre-defined template for your message content. Simply define the template API ID.
This allows you to specify if the message is sent to the networks as GSM or Unicode characters. Unicode supports other languages and emojis.
0 = GSM Characters Only (default)
1 = Always assume Unicode
2 = Auto-detect from the message content
Your sub-account ID. Include this variable to send a message via a specified sub account. To enable the sub-accounts module, please email,447712345678&schedule=2010-05-22%2017:00&reference=1234567

Send A Message - Response

On success, the HTTP response headers will include X-Message. A message identifier that can be used refer to the request e.g. lookup a delivery report.

Returned is a string consisting of:

<status no>:<no of credits used> <description> - e.g: 0:1 SMS successfully queued

The status corresponds to one of the following:

0:  SMS successfully queued
1:  Authentication error
2:  Destination number(s) error
3:  From error
4:  Group not recognised
5:  Message error
6:  Send time error (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM)
7:  Insufficient credit
8:  Invalid delivery receipt URL
9:  Sub-account error (not recognised)
10:  Repeat expiry/interval error (not recognised)
11:  Repeat expiry error (YYYY-MM-DD)
12:  Message loop detected

Receiving SMS

Receive SMS via POST

To receive an SMS message to your platform, simply add the URL address of the script on your web-server to your "API Settings" on your account or by adding a HTTP POST forward to a keyword.
Content-Type: x-www-form-urlencoded.

The following are a list of parameters that will be sent via POST:

Name Description
source The mobile number of the incoming message
destination The inbound message number (i.e. your FireText number)
message The text message body
keyword The keyword used (if applicable) in the received message
time Time and date of the message (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)

View Received Messages

To view a list of received messages on your FireText account or sub-account, you can send a request to:

The following are a list of parameters to be sent via HTTP POST or GET:

Name Description
username Your username
password Your password
An apiKey can be used as an alternative authentication method to the username and password and is often the preferred choice.
Select messages sent from date (YYYY-MM-DD).
Set = last to display only those messages from last access.
Select messages sent to date (YYYY-MM-DD)
Number of results per page. Select either 10, 25, 50 or 100.
(Default: 25. Maximum: 100)
Page of results
Your sub-account ID. Check the received messages for a given sub-account.

View Received Messages - Response

Returned is a string consisting of:

<status no>:<total number of results> <description>

The status corresponds to one of the following:

0:  Successful Request
1:  Authentication error
2:  Sub-account error (not recognised)
3:  Date range error (YYYY-MM-DD)

Following the response is the data set of received messages. Each message is URL-Encoded and separated by a newline (\n) or returned in XML or JSON format.

Each line of data returns the following parameters:

Name Description
messageID FireText message ID
sentTo Mobile number message was sent to
keyword Keyword used
receivedFrom FireText number used to receive message
receivedOn Date/Time message received
message The message content

Check Credit

View Credit

To request the number of messages remaining on your FireText account, you can send a request to:

The following are a list of parameters to be sent via HTTP POST or GET:

Name Description
username Your username
password Your password
An apiKey can be used as an alternative authentication method to the username and password and is often the preferred choice.
Your sub-account ID. Check the remaining messages for a given sub-account.

View Credit - Response

Returned is a string consisting of:

 <status no>:<no of credits remaining> <description> - eg: 0:1652 Successful Request

The status corresponds to one of the following:

0:  Successful Request
1:  Authentication error
2:  Sub-account error (not recognised)

Manage Contacts

Add Single Contact

To add a contact into your FireText account, you can send a request to:

The following are a list of parameters to be sent via HTTP POST or GET:

Name Description
username Your username
password Your password
An apiKey can be used as an alternative authentication method to the username and password and is often the preferred choice.


The mobile telephone number to insert. Remove the ‘+’ sign and any leading zeros when using international codes. A UK number can start ‘07’ or ‘447’.
The first name of the contact you wish to insert.
The surname of the contact you wish to insert.
The custom1 field of the contact you wish to insert.
The custom2 field of the contact you wish to insert.
The custom3 field of the contact you wish to insert.
You can also choose to add this contact to a pre-defined group.
Simply include the API ID you specified for this group.
Select this option (update=1) to update the firstname, lastname, custom1, custom2 & custom3 fields for an existing contact.
Your sub-account ID. Add the contact to a specified sub-account.

Add Single Contact - Response

Returned is a string consisting of:

<status no> : <description> - e.g: 0: Contact successfully added

The status corresponds to one of the following:

0:  Contact successfully added
1:  Authentication error
2:  Unrecognised number
3:  Group not recognised
4:  Contact already exists
5:  Contact has opt'd out - can only rejoin via SMS
6:  Contact details have been updated
7:  Sub-Account error (not recognised)

Add Contact via CSV

To upload contacts using CSV via your FireText account, you can send a request to:

The following are a list of parameters to be sent via HTTP POST or GET:

Name Description
username Your username
password Your password
An apiKey can be used as an alternative authentication method to the username and password and is often the preferred choice.
file The file containing the CSV contacts you wish to upload.
An optional md5 check sum of the file for added security.
group The API ID you specified for this group to add contacts.
Select this option (update=1) to update the firstname, lastname, custom1, custom2 & custom3 fields for an existing contact.
Optional column mapping. Here you can specify only columns you have included in the file separated by a comma. Default: mobile,firstName,lastName,custom1,custom2,custom3
An optional HTTP address for the summary of results to be posted back. Note: URL encoding this parameter should avoid conflict of parameters.
Your sub-account ID. Add the contacts to a specified sub-account.

Add Single Contact - Response

Returned is a string consisting of:

<status no> : <description> - e.g: 0: Contact successfully added

The status corresponds to one of the following:

0:  Contact successfully added
1:  Authentication error
2:  Sub-Account error (not recognised)
3:  Group error (not recognised)
4:  File error (not recognised)
5:  File checksum does not match
6:  Columns error
7:  Invalid postback URL

Add a Group

To add a group to your FireText account, you can send a request to:

The following are a list of parameters to be sent via HTTP POST or GET:

Name Description
username Your username
password Your password
An apiKey can be used as an alternative authentication method to the username and password and is often the preferred choice.
name The group name
description A description for your new group
from The default From (Sender ID) setting for your new group.
An optional API ID for your new group. Useful if looking to send or add contacts to this group later.
Your sub-account ID. Add a group for a given sub-account.

Add a Group - Response

Returned is a string consisting of:

<status no> : <description> - e.g: 0: Group successfully added

The status corresponds to one of the following:

0:  Group successfully added
1:  Authentication error
2:  Sub-account error (not recognised)
3:  Name error
4:  API ID error
5:  From error
6:  Description error

View Contact Information

To view the stored contact information for a given mobile number in your account, you can send a request to:

The following are a list of parameters to be sent via HTTP POST or GET:

Name Description
username Your username
password Your password
An apiKey can be used as an alternative authentication method to the username and password and is often the preferred choice.
mobile The mobile telephone number to wish to view contact information. Remove the '+' sign and any leading zeros when using international codes. A UK number can start '07' or '447'.
Your sub-account ID. View contact information for a given sub-account.

View Contact Information - Response

Returned is a string consisting of:

<status no>: <description> - e.g: 0: Successful Request

The status corresponds to one of the following:

0:  Successfully Request
1:  Authentication error
2:  Mobile error
3:  Contact not found
4:  Sub-Account error (not recognised)

Following the response is the data set of contact information.

The following parameters are returned:

Name Description
firstname First name of contact
lastname Last name of contact
mobile Mobile number of contact
customField1 Custom 1 of contact
customField2 Custom 2 of contact
customField3 Custom 3 of contact

Unsubscribe Contact

To unsubscribe a contact from your FireText account, you can send a request to:

The following are a list of parameters to be sent via HTTP POST or GET:

Name Description
username Your username
password Your password
An apiKey can be used as an alternative authentication method to the username and password and is often the preferred choice.


The mobile telephone number to unsubscribe. Remove the '+' sign and any leading zeros when using international codes. A UK number can start '07' or '447'.
By default, FireText will unsubscribe a contact from all groups within your account. If your account has been configured to unsubscribe from a single group, then you can enter a group API ID here.
Your sub-account ID. Unsubscribe a contact for a given sub-account.

View Unsubscribe Contacts - Response

Returned is a string consisting of:

<status no> : <description> - e.g: 0: Contact successfully unsubscribed

The status corresponds to one of the following:

0:  Contact successfully unsubscribed
1:  Authentication error
2:  Unrecognised number
3:  Group not recognised
4:  Contact does not exist
5:  Contact has already unsubscribed
6:  Sub-account error (not recognised)

View Unsubscribed Contacts

To view a list of unsubscribed contacts for your FireText account or sub-account, you can send a request to:

The following are a list of parameters to be sent via HTTP POST or GET:

Name Description
username Your username
password Your password
An apiKey can be used as an alternative authentication method to the username and password and is often the preferred choice.
Select messages sent from date (YYYY-MM-DD).
Set = last to display only those messages from last access.
Select messages sent to date (YYYY-MM-DD)
Number of results per page. Select either 10, 25, 50 or 100.
(Default: 25. Maximum: 100)
Page of results
View contacts for a specific group only using the group API ID.
Your sub-account ID. View unsubscribed messages for a given sub-account.

View Unsubscribed Contacts - Response

Returned is a string consisting of:

<status no>:<total number of results> <description>

The status corresponds to one of the following:

0:  Successful Request
1:  Authentication error
2:  Sub-account error (not recognised)
3:  Date range error (YYYY-MM-DD)
4:  Group error (not recognised)

Following the response is the data set of unsubscribed contacts. Each contact is URL-Encoded and separated by a newline (\n) or returned in XML or JSON format.

Each line of data returns the following parameters:

Name Description
firstname First name of unsubscribed contact
lastname Last name of unsubscribed contact
mobile Mobile number of unsubscribed contact
customField1 Custom 1 of unsubscribed contact
customField2 Custom 2 of unsubscribed contact
customField3 Custom 3 of unsubscribed contact
addedOn Date/Time originally added
unsubscribedOn Date/Time unsubscribed
reason The keyword used (if applicable)

Scheduled Messages

View Scheduled Messages

To view a list of scheduled messages for your FireText account or sub-account, you can send a request to:

The following are a list of parameters to be sent via HTTP POST or GET:

Name Description
username Your username
password Your password
An apiKey can be used as an alternative authentication method to the username and password and is often the preferred choice.
Number of results per page. Select either 10, 25, 50 or 100.
(Default: 25. Maximum: 100)
Page of results
Your sub-account ID. View scheduled messages for a given sub-account.

View Scheduled Messages - Response

Returned is a string consisting of:

<status no>:<total number of results> <description>

The status corresponds to one of the following:

0:  Successful Request
1:  Authentication error
2:  Sub-account error (not recognised)

Following the response is the data set of scheduled messages. Each message is URL-Encoded and separated by a newline (\n) or returned in XML or JSON format.

Each line of data returns the following parameters:

Name Description
messageID FireText message ID of scheduled message
queuedOn Date/Time when message was scheduled
scheduledFor Date/Time for message to be sent
recipientCount Number of recipients
sourceAddress The message SenderID
sendTo The message Group
message The message

Remove Scheduled Message

To remove a scheduled message from your FireText account, you can send a request to:

The following are a list of parameters to be sent via HTTP POST or GET:

Name Description
username Your username
password Your password
An apiKey can be used as an alternative authentication method to the username and password and is often the preferred choice.
message The message ID of the message you wish to unschedule. The message ID can be obtained via the View Scheduled Messages function. Note: Up to 25 IDs can be included in comma seperated format.
This is an alternative parameter to the message parameter above. This is the API reference (if set when sending a message via the API) of the message you wish to unschedule. Perfect for a batch unschedule. Note: All messages with the same reference will be unscheduled.
Your sub-account ID. Remove a scheduled message for a given sub-account.

Remove Scheduled Message - Response

Returned is a string consisting of:

<status no> : <description>

The status corresponds to one of the following:

0:  Contact successfully unsubscribed
1:  Authentication error
2:  Sub-account error (not recognised)
3:  Message error
4:  Reference error
5:  Schedule error (not recognised)

Message Reports

Receive Delivery Reports via POST

To receive a delivery receipts to your platform, simply add the URL address of the script on your web-server to your “API Settings” on your account.

The following are a list of parameters that will be sent via POST:

Name Description
mobile The mobile number of the delivered message
status 0: Delivered
1: Declined
2: Undelivered (Pending with Network)
reference Your custom reference returned, if set.
time The time the delivery report was received from the network (formatted as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)

View Delivery Reports

To view a list of delivery reports (specified message) for your FireText account or sub- account, you can send a request to:

The following are a list of parameters to be sent via HTTP POST or GET:

Name Description
username Your username
password Your password
An apiKey can be used as an alternative authentication method to the username and password and is often the preferred choice.
message FireText Message ID. The message ID can be pulled for a given message via the View Sent Messages function.
This is an alternative parameter to the message parameter above. This is the API reference (if set when sending a message via the API) of the message you wish to query.
Number of results per page. Select either 10000 or 25000.
Page of results
Your sub-account ID. View the delivery reports for a given sub-account.

View Delivery Reports - Response

Returned is a string consisting of:

<status no>:<total number of results> <description>

The status corresponds to one of the following:

0:  Successful Request
1:  Authentication error
2:  Sub-account error (not recognised)
3:  Message error

Following the response is the data set of delivery reports. Each delivery report is URL-Encoded and separated by a newline (\n) or returned in XML or JSON format.

Note: If undeliverable, then the networks in the UK will continually re-try to reach the handset with the message for up to 72 hours, before finally declining the message.

Each line of data returns the following parameters:

Name Description
mobile Mobile number of recipient
firstName First name of recipient
lastName Last name of recipient
customField1 Custom 1 of recipient
customField2 Custom 2 of recipient
customField3 Custom 3 of recipient
messageSent Date/Time message was sent
messageUpdate Date/Time message status was received
status 'Unconfirmed' or 'Delivered' or 'Declined' or 'Buffered' or 'Pending with Network' or 'Rejected'

View Sent Messages

To view a list of sent messages on your FireText account or sub-account, you can send a request to:

The following are a list of parameters to be sent via HTTP POST or GET:

Name Description
username Your username
password Your password
An apiKey can be used as an alternative authentication method to the username and password and is often the preferred choice.
Select messages sent from date (YYYY-MM-DD).
Set = last to display only those messages from last access.
Select messages sent to date (YYYY-MM-DD)
Number of results per page. Select either 10, 25, 50 or 100.
(Default: 25. Maximum: 100)
Page of results
Your sub-account ID. View the sent messages for a given sub-account.

View Sent Messages - Response

Returned is a string consisting of:

<status no>:<total number of results> <description>

The status corresponds to one of the following:

0:  Successful Request
1:  Authentication error
2:  Sub-account error (not recognised)
3:  Date range error (YYYY-MM-DD)

Following the response is the data set of sent messages. Each message is URL-Encoded and separated by a newline (\n) or returned in XML or JSON format.

Each line of data returns the following parameters:

Name Description
messageID FireText message ID of send message
sentOn Date/Time when message was sent
sentTo Group name the message was sent to
groupDescription Group description the message was sent to
recipientCount Number of recipients
message The message content

View Click Reports

To view a list of click reports (specified message) for your FireText account or sub-account, you can send a request to:

The following are a list of parameters to be sent via HTTP POST or GET:

Name Description
username Your username
password Your password
An apiKey can be used as an alternative authentication method to the username and password and is often the preferred choice.
message FireText Message ID. The message ID can be pulled for a given message via the View Sent Messages function.
Number of results per page. Select either 10000 or 25000.
Page of results
Your sub-account ID. View the click reports for a given sub-account.

View Click Reports - Response

Returned is a string consisting of:

<status no>:<total number of results> <description>

The status corresponds to one of the following:

0:  Successful Request
1:  Authentication error
2:  Sub-account error (not recognised)
3:  Message error
4:  URL error

Note: A click report can only be produced for messages that contain the FireText Trackable SMS feature. An error status 4: URL error will be returned for messages not containing the FireText Trackable SMS feature.

Following the response is the data set of clicked messages. Each click detail is URL-Encoded and separated by a newline (\n) or returned in XML or JSON format.

Each line of data returns the following parameters:

Name Description
mobile Mobile number of recipient
firstName First name of recipient
lastName Last name of recipient
customField1 Custom 1 of recipient
customField2 Custom 2 of recipient
customField3 Custom 3 of recipient
clicked Date/Time of click
userAgent UserAgent returned when clicked

Sub Accounts

Add Sub Account

FireText can enable a sub-account module upon request. To setup the sub-account module, please email

To add a new sub-account to your main FireText account, you can send a request to:

The following are a list of parameters to be sent via HTTP POST or GET:

Name Description
username Your username
password Your password
An apiKey can be used as an alternative authentication method to the username and password and is often the preferred choice.


Your new sub-account ID
An optional login email for your new sub-account
An optional login password for your new sub-account
Assign a name to your new sub-account
Add your own reference notes to this sub-account
The number of messages you wish to transfer (available from your main account) to this new sub-account
Return an API Key for the sub-account upon creation. If key=1, an API Key is returned in the header under X-Key

Add Sub Account - Response

Returned is a string consisting of:

<status no> : <description>

The status corresponds to one of the following:

0:  Sub-account successfully added
1:  Authentication error
2:  Invalid Sub-Account ID
3:  Insufficient credit
4:  Invalid Sub-Account credentials

Transfer Credits

To transfer messages (credit) from your main account to a sub-account, you can send a request to:

The following are a list of parameters to be sent via HTTP POST or GET:

Name Description
username Your username
password Your password
An apiKey can be used as an alternative authentication method to the username and password and is often the preferred choice.


Your sub-account ID
type add or deduct. Please specify.
amount Number of messages to transfer between main account and sub-account

Transfer Credits - Response

Returned is a string consisting of:

<status no> : <description>

The status corresponds to one of the following:

0:  Successful transfer
1:  Authentication error
2:  Sub-account error (not recognised)
3:  Transfer type error (not recognised)
4:  Invalid transfer amount
5:  Insufficient credit

View Transfers

To see transferred messages (credit) from your main account to a sub-account, you can send a request to:

The following are a list of parameters to be sent via HTTP POST or GET:

Name Description
username Your username
password Your password
An apiKey can be used as an alternative authentication method to the username and password and is often the preferred choice.


Your sub-account ID
Number of results per page. Select either 10,25,50 or 100.
Page of results

Transfers - Response

Returned is a string consisting of:

<status no> : <description>

The status corresponds to one of the following:

0:  Successful request
1:  Authentication error
2:  Sub-account error (not recognised)


Add Template

To add a message template to an account for your FireText account or sub-account, you can send a request to:

The following are a list of parameters to be sent via HTTP POST or GET:

Name Description
username Your username
password Your password
An apiKey can be used as an alternative authentication method to the username and password and is often the preferred choice.
name Name of the message template
message Message content of the template
Optional API ID to allow for messages to be sent using the template
Your sub-account ID

Add Template - Response

Returned is a string consisting of:

<status no> : <description>

The status corresponds to one of the following:

0:  Template successfully added
1:  Authentication error
2:  Sub-account error (not recognised)
3:  Message error
4:  API ID error
5:  Name error

Manage Keywords

View Keywords

To view a list of keywords on your FireText account or sub-account, you can send a request to:

The following are a list of parameters to be sent via HTTP POST or GET:

Name Description
username Your username
password Your password
An apiKey can be used as an alternative authentication method to the username and password and is often the preferred choice.
Number of results per page. Select either 10,25,50 or 100.
Page of results
Your sub-account ID. View keywords for a given sub-account.

View Keywords - Response

Returned is a string consisting of:

<status no>:<total number of results> <description>

The status corresponds to one of the following:

0:  Successful Request
1:  Authentication error
2:  Sub-account error (not recognised)

Following the response is the data set of keywords. Each keyword is URL-Encoded and separated by a newline (\n) or returned in XML or JSON format.

Each line of data returns the following parameters:

Name Description
keywordID The keywordID for the keyword
number The mobile number (long or short) for the keyword
keyword The keyword
reference Any custom reference added

Add Forward

To add a forward to a specific keyword on your FireText account or sub-account, you can send a request to:

The following are a list of parameters to be sent via HTTP POST or GET:

Name Description
username Your username
password Your password
An apiKey can be used as an alternative authentication method to the username and password and is often the preferred choice.
keyword The keyword ID to add the forward. The keyword ID can be obtained by using the View Keywords function
type The type of forward.
Please specify: mobile, email or url
destination The destination for the type specified
Set to 1 to remove the forward
Your sub-account ID. Add a forward for a given sub-account.

Add Forward - Response

Returned is a string consisting of:

<status no>:<total number of results> <description>

The status corresponds to one of the following:

0:  Successful Request
1:  Authentication error
2:  Sub-account error (not recognised)
3:  Keyword error (not recognised)
4:  Forward not found (when removing)
5:  Type error
6:  Destination error