The FireText Reply Number

The FireText platform is super flexible and can be used in so many different ways, so it can suit each business and use case perfectly. One awesome add on that can be used is our FireText Reply Number. 

Our FireText Reply Numbers are essentially just like your normal 07 mobile number, however they are virtual numbers and as such, they come with lots of perks and are perfect for businesses! All of your messages will be sent and received directly from within your FireText account, this allows you to easily manage all of your sent and received messages within the same place. It’s great when sharing with a team too!

By sending your SMS Campaigns from a reply number it gives your recipients the opportunity to reply but also by advertising your number it allows them to initiate a conversation with you via SMS. This is a great way to build your customer relationships and improve your customer retention through SMS. 

When using a FireText reply number you also have the ability to forward your received text messages onto another destination, whether that’s an email address or another mobile number, so you receive a notification instantly. You could also respond to these inbound messages from directly within your inbox if you wanted, meaning you can keep track of all of your comms in your favourite email client, while still making use of all the awesome benefits that come with SM

Another great way to improve your customer service through text messaging is via a nice quick ‘Satisfaction Survey’ and you can easily create these using our FireText Reply Number and Keywords feature. You can set up as many SMS keywords as you wish on your reply number, this could be anything, from a simple yes or no, to a 1-5 rating or, both! You can easily set up SMS auto replies on your keyword, which could thank them for their response and ask the next question. 

This is a great way to hear your customers opinion and allow you to identify any potential areas you could improve to take your customer service to the next level, which will in turn lead to happy customers and more sales as well as referrals. It also gives you the opportunity to potentially provide a link to your reviews site for all of your customers that rate you highly, which helps others see how great you really are!

The reply number also provides you with a simple opt out option for your customers, they simply have to reply ‘STOP’ to your message and the system will automatically remove them from your contact list and move them to an unsubscribe list. Meaning you will be unable to accidentally upload the recipient’s contact, or send another message to them, helping you to easily comply with GDPR.

These are just a few of the great ways an SMS reply number can be used within your business to help improve your communication with your customers. Every message sent is a great way to build your relationship with your customers and we’re here to help you succeed. Simply get in touch with us, we would love to chat through your plans and provide helpful suggestions for how you can maximise your engagement.

FireText provide SMS Marketing for your business.
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